As planets go, Saturn is breath taking, especially to see it with your own eyes through a telescope. Here are a few of my images taken through my telescope using a webcam.
2nd April 2005 One of my final images of the season. The Crepe ring is just visible and there is a hint of the Enche minimum. There is also some nice detail on the planet itself. |
other March 2005 The Seeing tonight wasn't great, but it did improve for a 10 minutes or so, during which time I managed to capture this image. It is a stack of 2450 frames from a 3600 frame AVI. What surprised me was that I also captured three of Saturn's moons. Not bad for an unmodified ToUcam. Also visible is the inner C or Crepe ring. This is partially transparent and you can see the planet through it. |
Saturn and Titan 19th March 2005 (22:00UT) This
is a stack of the best 1290 frames from an AVI of 2050 frames.
Stacked using Registax 3. Seeing: 6/10, transparency: poor. |
Saturn 22nd Jan 2005 Two
images of Saturn taken with a ToUcam pro 740K through a 222mm F8
Newtonian.. One image was taken with an extended (long tube) bar low, yielding something just over 3 x the image scale at Newtonian focus. The effective focal length was about F25 about 5.55metres. The second image was taken through the 2 x barlow without an extension tube - an effective focal length of about 3.55metres at F16. |